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3 Chinese New Year Beverage Menu Inspirations for Your Business

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3 Inspirasi Menu Minuman Imlek untuk Bisnis Anda

Chinese New Year is always eagerly awaited because it is usually done by eating and gathering with family or loved ones. Generally, Chinese New Year is synonymous with several foods, such as oranges and grapes. Oranges is believed to symbolize gold which means good luck, while grapes have a symbol of good luck, both abundant wealth and prosperity. Now many F&B businesses are competing to create drink creations with Chinese New Year nuances. Here are some beverage inspirations as a seasonal menu for Chinese New Year celebrations at your outlet:

1. Orange Fortune: Enjoy a natural and premium fruity drink with Orange Fortune. This drink is made with the main ingredient of 20 ml of Orange Fruit Mix mixed with 10 ml of Peach Syrup, 8 ml of Mint Syrup and 60 ml of water in a shaker. Shake all the ingredients, serve in a glass, fill the glass with ice cubes, and pour 60 ml of Cranberry Juice on top to make a drink layer. Lastly, add fresh fruit as a garnish.

2. Barong Lemonade Breeze: This tea drink creation with a mixture of 20 gr Lemon Tea Powder, 15 ml Sunfield Kyoho Grape, 10 ml Peppermint Syrup, and 120 ml water can be one of the drink menu ideas for tea lovers at your outlet. It’s easy to make, all you have to do is put all the ingredients into the shaker, shake until all the ingredients are well blended, and Barong Lemonade Breeze is ready to be served.

3. Passionate Rabbit: Welcoming the year of the rabbit. it's not uncommon for business people to compete in making rabbit-themed drink menus. This can also be displayed in a cup of drink which can be made using 60 ml of green tea, 20 ml of passion fruit syrup, 10 ml of simple syrup, 2 g of basil leaves and 60 ml of pomegranate juice. The shake method is also used in the preparation of this drink.

Let's try to create this drink for your outlet or at your home. good luck

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