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Present Innovative Drink Menus, Health Today Held Innovation Day

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Dukung Inovasi Menu Minuman, Health Today Gelar Innovation Day

PT Health Today Indonesia held the event of Innovation Day 2023 for the first time, together with our Official Distributor in Makassar, PT Sinar Anugerah Rejeki Bersama. This Innovation Day is one of Health Today's commitments to continue helping customers to grow their business by creating innovative drink menus.

This Innovation Day was held on 1st March 2023 at Mercure Makassar Nexa Pettarani. Taking the theme of "The Latest Beverage Menu Trends in 2023", Ignatius Pambudi as Product Specialist Health Today together with Panji Djayalaksana as Beverage Specialist Health Today, introduced Health Today products as well as presented several drink menu ideas that will go viral in 2023. Not only that, both of them also presented several seasonal drink ideas to welcome the month of Ramadan to business owners who came. At the end of the session, Health Today provides an opportunity for business owners to be able to get special door prizes and special experiences: private consultations and product trials.

This event was a success by involving 50 business owners from various F&B sectors, including from the Hotel, Restaurant, Coffee House & Café, Bakery & Gelateria sectors. A big thanks to PT Sinar Anugerah Rejeki Bersama, Greenfields, and all the participants who support and came to our event. Without your support, this event would not run smoothly. Intrigued by the excitement of Innovation Day in the next city? Let's wait for us in the next city.

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